215 - Glaciers, Whales and Small Town Charm is What Juneau, Alaska Has to Offer
Glaciers, whales and small town charm. That's what Juneau, Alaska is all about. Lorene Palmer, the president of the Juneau Convention and Visitors Bureau joins Lorene and Barry to share the charm of Juneau. Juneau is not only a great cruise destination, it's a great place to visit, relax and take in the natural beauty of Alaska. Join Lorene Palmer as we take an audio adventure tour of Juneau, Alaska. You can learn more at the Juneau Convention and Visitors Bureau website at http://www.traveljuneau.com or you can give them a call at 888-581-2201.
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Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com
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