211 - A Free Telephone System for Your Home Based Travel Business
Podcast Number 211
A telephone system can make or break your home based travel business. Fortunately you have the option of using Google Voice. Barry describes the features of Google Voice and how this free system can enhance your home based travel business.
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Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com
The Phenomenal Handclap Band
"You'll Disappear (feat. Carol C)" (mp3)
from "The Phenomenal Handclap Band"
(Friendly Fire Recordings)
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A telephone system can make or break your home based travel business. Fortunately you have the option of using Google Voice. Barry describes the features of Google Voice and how this free system can enhance your home based travel business.
Visit me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/barry.kantz.
Keep up with us on Twitter.com Lorene's Twitter name is lorener, Barry's Twitter name is kantzb
Check out Lorenes travel agent website at www.sharptonguedconsulting.com.
Check out Blubrry. It's a great place to be a listener. You can comment on podcasts you listen to and you can sign up to be friends with the podcasters on the Blubrry Network. Go over to Blubrry, sign up and become my friend. I would like to get to know all of you!
Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com
from "The Phenomenal Handclap Band"
(Friendly Fire Recordings)
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