209 – Tom Ogg Talks About Growing Your Travel Business
Tom Ogg joins Barry and Lorene to talk about how travel agents can grow their business. Tom offers a valuable resources for the travel agent at his travel agent community website www.hbtacommunity.com. Tom compares the HbtaCommunity to the proverbial water cooler where travel agents can hang out and share ideas, problems and successes. The community has over 3,000 members and is free to join. However, you must be an active travel agent to participate.
Tom has co-authored a book, "Marketing and Sales Prescriptions for Today's Economy and Beyond." Tom says this is a great book for when you are out of marketing ideas and you need to kick start your business. You can find the book at the HbtaCommunity website.
Learn, enjoy, produce and prosper!
Keep up with us on Twitter.com Lorene's Twitter name is lorener, Barry's Twitter name is kantzb
Check out Lorenes travel agent website at www.sharptonguedconsulting.com.
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Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.comDena DeRose
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