200 - Selling Seattle and Celebrating Show Two Hundred
Don't forget to sell Seattle when you book an Alaska cruise. Here we are at show 200 and talking about one of our favorite cities. Our guest in this show is Marj Snyder with the Seattle Visitors' Bureau. Marj talks about how you can sell Seattle when you are working with clients traveling to the west coast. Their website at www.visitseattle.org has a whole section devoted to the travel agent professional to assist you in selling Seattle. Also, in this show we celebrate our 200th show. You will hear clips from show number one, a clip from Lorene's first appearance on the show and an exciting clip I recorded during a whale watching trip while visiting Seattle.
Learn, enjoy, produce and prosper!
Keep up with us on Twitter.com Lorene's Twitter name is lorener, Barry's Twitter name is kantzb
Check out Lorenes travel agent website at www.sharptonguedconsulting.com.
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Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.comTwilight Hotel
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