281 - A Great Destination Resource and QR Codes for Your Business
What are QR codes and what do they mean for your business? These codes are popping up everywhere. You will find them on business cards, on stickers placed about anywhere, on products or anything else you can imagine. The big deal is when the QR code is scanned with a smart phone, your contact information, or your event information or your website appears in your smart phone browser.
"The Amateur Traveler Podcast" is a resource for you and your clients where you can learn about destinations. There's hardly a destination on earth that hasn't been the subject of "The Amateur Traveler Podcast". Chris Christensen, the host of the show, joins Lorene and Barry in the co-hosted segment to talk about "The Amateur Traveler" and the many destinations covered by the show. Chris also hosts the shows "This Week in Travel" and "The Bible Study Podcast." Join us to learn more about Chris Christensen and The Amateur Traveler podcast.
Visit us on Facebook –
Barry at http://www.facebook.com/barry.kantz
Lorene at http://www.facebook.com/lorener
Gary at http://www.facebook.com/gary.ebels.
On Twitter
Lorene’s Twitter name is lorener
Barry’s Twitter name is kantzb
Gary's Twitter name is gary222
Check out Lorenes travel agent website at www.sharptonguedconsulting.com.
Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com and Gary at wdwgary@gmail.com.
from "From the Echo"
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