245 - Traveling to Asia
Podcast Number 245
Ambrose Bittner from Red Lantern Journeys talks about traveling to Asia. Traveling in Asia is all about experiencing a culture most of us are not familiar with. Red Lantern Journeys can help you make your client's experience in Asia rich and rewarding. Listen in as we talk about Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free.
Iceland's erupting volcano is causing havoc for travelers.
Iceland's erupting volcano is creating a boom for European hotels.
Visit us on Facebook – Barry at http://www.facebook.com/barry.kantz, and Lorene at http://www.facebook.com/lorener.
Keep up with us on Twitter.com Lorene’s Twitter name is lorener, Barry’s Twitter name is kantzb
Check out Lorenes travel agent website at www.sharptonguedconsulting.com.
Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com.

The Shanghai Restoration Project & Amos Winbush
"Babylon of the Orient" (mp3)
from "The Shanghai Restoration Project"
(Undercover Culture Music)
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More On This Album
Ambrose Bittner from Red Lantern Journeys talks about traveling to Asia. Traveling in Asia is all about experiencing a culture most of us are not familiar with. Red Lantern Journeys can help you make your client's experience in Asia rich and rewarding. Listen in as we talk about Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free.
Iceland's erupting volcano is causing havoc for travelers.
Iceland's erupting volcano is creating a boom for European hotels.
Visit us on Facebook – Barry at http://www.facebook.com/barry.kantz, and Lorene at http://www.facebook.com/lorener.
Keep up with us on Twitter.com Lorene’s Twitter name is lorener, Barry’s Twitter name is kantzb
Check out Lorenes travel agent website at www.sharptonguedconsulting.com.
Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. You can email me at barry@hometravelagent.net or email Lorene at sharptongued@mac.com.
from "The Shanghai Restoration Project"
(Undercover Culture Music)
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